30 May 2008

Author Meme

Bethany of B&b ex libris tagged me for this fun author meme.

1. Who’s your all-time favorite author, and why?
Jane Austen; reading her is like reading a gentle social commentary. Her character portraits are so well-drawn and though (as Somerset Maugham puts in) nothing much happens, I have to keep turning the pages because so much is happening. Her books are real to me, they live.

2. Who was your first favorite author, and why? Do you still consider him or her among your favorites?
I learned to read at 3, and I only vaguely remember a few book covers and contents before I found Paddington Bear and Trixie Beldon, both around the same time. I went mad for both of them and read them in trees, with flashlights in bed and in the bathtub. I remember wearing out copies of Trixie Beldon mysteries and I can still remember the part about Paddington and the grapefruit that made me laugh out loud.

I also remember in my early teens discovering Agatha Christie and she is still a favorite light read. She was referred by one of the local libraians, Mary, who knew of my love of juvenile mysteries. I owe Mary my love of adult mysteries--and of my other teen love, Georgette Heyer and her Regency romances--I still own most of them and read them for "fluff reading" from time to time. Thanks Mary, wherever you are!

3. Who’s the most recent addition to your list of favorite authors, and why?
Diana Wynne Jones. I read everything I can get my hands on by her--her YA fantasy is so incredible. She can write so excellently, her plots are fabulous and her worlds live, they really live. I can't recommend her enough. My husband and I are both addicted; my only regret is that I didn't discover her sooner.

4. If someone asked you who your favorite authors were right now, which authors would first pop out of your mouth? Are there any you’d add on a moment of further reflection?

First Thoughts:
Jane Austen
C.S. Lewis
Diana Wynne Jones
Terry Pratchett

Further reflection:
Vladimir Nabokov
Wilkie Collins
PD James
Carl Hiaasen
George MacDonald
Robin McKinley
Virginia Woolf
JK Rowling

5. Tagged:
Deb of the Deblog
Debi of Nothing of Importance
Maggie of Maggie Reads


Blogger maggie moran said...

Hey, I'm IT! I'll try to do it later today, or tonight while watching a movie. Thanks for thinking of me. :)

2:47 PM  

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