23 July 2008

George Ella Lyon

How nice! Ms. Lyon posted a comment on my review of her novel, Sonny's House of Spies. :D

Dear Medbie,

I'm the author of SONNY and your review has lifted my heart on this story July morning. I just found out last week that Simon and Schuster has moved SONNY to print-on-demand status. Since it takes six weeks to get the book that way, sales are pretty much dead, yet I don't get the rights back.

So it is particularly life-giving to read that a reader found it, got it, took it to heart, and is sharing it. And that your words sent someone else to the library to look for it.

Thank God for reviewers like you and for libraries!

I still miss Sonny and Loretta, and it makes me smile to know someone else is meeting them for the first time.

All my thanks and best wishes,

George Ella lyon

This makes me even more eager to read her other fiction, and perhaps her poetry too! :D


Blogger Debi said...

Oh Medbie, how totally awesome is that?!! I can't believe that book hasn't gotten wider recognition...it's an absolute gem!

6:01 PM  

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